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Your Front-Row Seat to
Understanding Real-World Cyber Breaches

Go inside the cybersecurity war room with CISO Confidential. Hosted by Saket Modi, top CISOs share real breach stories—crisis calls, shutdowns, and high-stakes decisions. Get an insider's view of cyberattacks and executive pressure.

Elias Oxendine IV

CISO, Tractor Supply Co.

His first presentation to the Board in a previous position was a painful flop — he lost them with geeky technical stats on cybersecurity. Learn how Elias Oxendine IV turned it around the next time by speaking the Board’s language.

Randy Herold

CISO, Manpower Group

Randy Herold shares how he handled a major cyberattack—discovering the breach, managing the crisis, and making tough calls like shutting down email. Hear leadership challenges, divided responses, and key lessons learned.


Episode 2

Elias Oxendine IV

Episode 1

Randy Herold

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