Welcome to the Future
of Cyber Risk Management
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The Only Third-Party Risk Management That Actually Works

Automate, unify and run your third-party risk management (TPRM) program at scale.

Business Challenge

Third-party data breaches show a 68% year-over-year growth, yet, third-party risk management has not evolved to keep pace with business needs.

SAFE TPRM is designed to enable businesses to build, run, scale, and automate their TPRM strategy. With SAFE, third-party risk management is as seamless, efficient, and consistent as managing first-party risks.

TPRM Re-imagined!

Focus on Critical Third-Party Verified with Evidence

Partner with Third Parties to Improve their Security Programs

Manage Third Party Risk Impact Using Zero Trust Controls

Prioritize Third Parties Based on Risk to Your Business

Fixed Pricing Independent of Number of Vendors

Solution Highlights

FAIR-TAM powered top 10 controls to prioritize security requirements

Risk-based third-party tiering accounting for loss magnitude and likelihood of breach

Evidence collection from security conscious personnel and secured software

Zero-trust approach to enhance native controls efficacy in minimizing third party breaches

Questionnaire marketplace covering compliance, regulations, risk, and controls

Cyber risk scenarios for every vendor including ransomware, data breaches, and more

Strengthen vendor security posture with direct SAFE portal access and AI-powered training

Consolidated insights from outside-in, questionnaires, and inside-out assessments

Transparent and defensible; based on FAIR, FAIR-MAM, FAIR-TAM frameworks

Ready to Switch to the
only TPRM that works?