Automate, Integrate and Scale Your TPCRM Program

Experience the only TPCRM solution that “actually” works!

Prioritize Security Controls
and Verify with Evidence

TPCRM Leader Challenges

"I need an accurate measure of vendor security posture"

"Can my vendors to prioritize a set of security controls?"

"My vendors have to manage too many alerts"

The SAFE TPCRM Solution

Collect and unify findings from outside-in, questionnaires, and inside out assessments

  • 10 critical controls to focus on
  • FAIR-TAM-powered controls list
  • Contextualize data using evidence

Manage Third Party Cyber Risk Impact
Using Zero Trust Controls

TPCRM Leader Challenges

"I want to enhance my business's internal resilience"

"I don't trust my vendors' security posture"

"I want to minimize my third-party risk blind spots"

The SAFE TPCRM Solution

Know how effective your security controls are in minimizing exposure

  • Likelihood reduction controls
  • Business continuity controls

Partner with Third Parties to Help
Improve Their Security Programs

TPCRM Leader Challenges

"I want to enable third parties without burdening them"

"How can I empower my vendors to improve their risk posture?"

"I need an automated approach to help my supply chain"

The SAFE TPCRM Solution

Build a seamless workflow that empowers your third parties

  • RBAC-powered SAFE portal access
  • AI-powered assessments and analysis
  • Seamless training and onboarding

Prioritize Third Parties based
on Risk to your Business

TPCRM Leader Challenges

"I want to see risk reduction with my TPCRM program"

"My current vendor tiering is not efficient"

"Cybersecurity Risk Ratings are leaving me with blind spots in risk"

The SAFE TPCRM Solution

  • Tier third parties based on risk
  • Create cyber risk scenarios
  • Prioritize most impactful controls
  • Actively reduce cyber risk

Reduce Cost While Covering All
Your Key Third Parties

TPCRM Leader Challenges

"I need an effective way to scale my TPCRM program"

"Adding more vendors exponentially increases investments"

"I need to justify my third-party cyber risk management budget"

The SAFE TPCRM Solution

  • Fixed pricing that's predictable
  • Unlimited number of vendors
  • ROI-driven insights for justification

See SAFE in Action